
28 • bahamas • she/her • married • scorpio

hi there i'm amb and you can expect most of my tweets to be about genshin impact or idol girls. other interests of mine include various video games, reality tv and youtubers like kurtis conner!


genshin impact:
kaveh, alhaitham, yae miko, zhongli, yanfei
cinderella girls:
shiki ichinose, reiko takahashi, toko hattori, shin sato

gnshn goals;

• sumeru collection (11/13)
• electro collection (8/11)
• kaveh C2/C6


basic dni criteria; i will block
i don't follow back minors
softblock when unfollowing thank you
sometimes rt heavy, but you can turn them off
i won't follow if you're always in twitter drama or if you're overly negative sorry

Feel free to add me! ♡
Starlight Stage: 626384527
Genshin Impact (NA): 655549116